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Secret Place – Finally Met

Karen Shiozawa

Karen Shiozawa_A day when the night bloomed_15.8×22.7cm_Alkyd resin. acrylic, oil on wooden panel_2024

Whitestone Gallery Seoul is pleased to present the first solo exhibition in Korea by the young Japanese artist Karen Shiozawa, titled 《Secret Place – Finally Met》, from May 4th to June 9th. This exhibition aims to explore the deep connection between the past and present and between humans and nature through the diverse new works of Shiozawa.

Karen Shiozawa _Secret Place_130.3×89.4cm_Alkyd resin. acrylic, oil on wooden panel_2024

Shiozawa’s artworks intertwine memories of the past with the realities of the present, merging her childhood spent in the Netherlands with her experiences as an artist today. Through this, viewers will have the opportunity to revisit their own childhood landscapes, sensations, and sounds, thus reconnecting with a pure past.

Karen Shiozawa_Lake_19.0x16.0cm_Watercolor, pen on paper_2024

Using the technique of filling the surfaces of wooden panels with bright colors and then overlaying them with darker shades, the artists depict landscapes, architectural structures, and the image of a girl. This technique will create an effect inviting viewers into the lush forests and European-style buildings depicted within the artworks, illuminated by the light emanating from the bright colors. Additionally, this exhibition will feature numerous pen drawings, as well as video footage, providing glimpses into the creative world of the artists. Visitors will not only possess their own space-time through this exhibition but will also rediscover the deep connection between nature and humanity.

Karen Shiozawa_The tails seen through telescope_116.7×116.7cm_Alkyd resin. acrylic, oil on wooden panel_2024

The primary thematic consciousness behind the artists’ works in this exhibition is to awaken the senses of those who view them. Hoping that the emission of light in her creations guides you on a journey of imagination, the exhibition anticipates that viewers will experience a unique journey, freely transcending between dreams and reality, past, and present through the art encapsulated within.

Whitestone Gallery
70 Sowol-ro, Yongsan-ku, Seoul

